Say Hello Speech

by Say Hello Speech



The Say Hello speech app is the perfect companion for you to practice speech sounds with up to 3 kids with articulation and intelligibility difficulties.Daily speech sound practice is the key to helping your child make fast progress while working on their speech. That means a more confident and easier-to-understand child in less time! With all the sounds of the English language featured in the app as well as many words, your child is sure to make quick progress. Say Hello provides you with quick, guided practice sessions that you can do anywhere while also empowering parents as natural coaches to know exactly how to cue the child to make their speech sounds correctly. Video clips are available to demonstrate how to prompt the child to say their specific sound. Play the videos for your child so they can follow along or watch it yourself to learn the cueing techniques. Just tap on the video icon to view the recording that matches each individual prompt.Download Say Hello today to start immediately improving speech, pronunciation, and your child’s confidence.To view our privacy policy, please visit: To view our terms of service, please visit: